Individual Gifts

Your donation can help fund the development and operation of affordable housing units, as well as essential supportive services that empower residents to thrive. Additionally, your generosity can contribute to breaking the cycle of homelessness, reducing poverty, and fostering a stronger, more equitable society. Whether it’s a one-time gift or ongoing support, your contribution plays a crucial role in creating opportunities for individuals to have a place they can call home and build a brighter future. Give online here.


Many companies match their employees’ donations. But every year, thousands of dollars are left on the table because many didn’t realize their company was a matchmaker! Matching gifts by your employer is a simple way to make your gift go further. Your donation could have DOUBLE or TRIPLE the impact!

Checking with your company’s human resources office is the easiest way to find out if your company matches your gift. Most of the time, it’s as easy as filling out a form online.
Please contact us at (850) 982-8230 to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Planned Gifts

Thoughtful estate and gift planning can benefit you, your family, and Florida Housing Enterprises, Inc.. Planned gifts name Florida Housing Enterprises, Inc. as a beneficiary in a bequest, life insurance policy, or charitable remainder trust, to name a few. With your legal, financial, and tax advisers, we can help you create a plan that suits your personal circumstances.

If you are interested in discussing planned gifts to FHE, please contact us at (850) 982-8230.


Grants make the difference. FHE accepts grants which enhance the program’s services to individuals and residents.


Florida Housing Enterprises, Inc.  can accept publicly traded securities, closely held securities, tangible personal property, and real estate gifts. Under most circumstances, these gifts will be sold upon receipt so that donors’ philanthropic visions can be realized quickly. These gifts must be reviewed by the Finance and Executive Committees prior to acceptance.

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